Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Yuki: Obama won

Well I am not much of politics but I am happy Obama won. I didn't like Romney and his values and I wanted Obama to win. Now let us see if Obama can hold up his end. You need to get this country back in shape. Obama care should help us. Also let us try to get rid of some of the economy debt. I hope that this will work and look forward to four more years under your presidency.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween...late

Well Halloween was fun...my hair looked terrible...and the rest of my costume didn't fare well. I stayed inside and watched Spiderman with my hall mates. It was fun and I got to play some Magic with other people. I need to fix my sleep schedule because I am tired as hell and me going to bed at 2 in the morning isn't helping me with it. Well I will see you later

Saturday, October 27, 2012

What I did in the past 24 hours

I watched A show called Future Diary AKA Mirai-Nikki. It follows a character by the name of Yukkii, yes it is me, who gets a diary that predicts the future. With it he takes advantage of it and uses it for his own gain.  Then he gets followed by a crazy girl who has a diary of Yukkii actions before he knows it. Then he is about to get murdered by a serial killer. His world is thrown out of proportion when he is thrown into a contest for the other owner of the future diaries. Then they must kill each others until one is left alive. I watched it for 24 hours...I need to rest my eyes...My skype buddy, if you read this...I blame you

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday...Costume problems

Today I ordered my costume...it took me forever. Apparently...I had to have the billing address the address the card was under...did not know about that. So that took an hour of my time. So I bought a pair of wings and got standard shipping. Then there was the matter of the tail...the tail. I was going to buy a tail for $40...it looks freaking amazing...I might post a picture of it here. I was going to get it...until I saw the price to ship it...$25. WHAT! I exclaimed at that outrageous price...I don't know why it costs more to ship it to US and not internationally. So I didn't buy it and bought the $18 one with $4 shipping and handling. I might make one in the future if time permitted. So I think that the costume will turn out great and hope that it will make me noticeable...And I hope I won't get stabbed by someone in my town...Well...I hope I live after Halloween. Yuki Harima out...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Music Monday...My chemical Romance

Alright on mondays I will do what is called music mondays. I will send videos from hit songs of popular artists. Today's artist is my all time favorite My Chemical Romance. Here are some songs.

I'm not Okay


Welcome to the Black Parade

I Don't Love You



Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday news stories

Every Sunday I will post a news story that happened during the week. This news recently happened and is about a shooting in Milwaukee. Not a lot is known about but from the page I went on, click link for page, It said that a shooter injured several people in a hair salon in the Milwaukee and Brookfield area. The people's condition is unknown as of right now and the crook is still at large. Look for a black male, 6 feet, 1 inch tall, weighing about 270 pounds, with a bald head and brown eyes and drives a black 2003 Mazda. my opinion on the subject is that We need stricter gun control. We can't just sell guns to anybody. I know that I might be those people who hates guns but to be honest, I think stricter gun control can benefit in the end. That way shootings like this and in Colorado won't happen again. Tomorrow I might do art work or something else. Well...Yuki Harima signing off on Sunday News Stories

changing titles

I am sorry but I will take over this blog for now...I made some alterations to it and changed some of the settings. I try to fix it up a little and spruce it up. I will create a schedule for somethings that I will do. A weekly schedule that will have information about some topics and others for art. I will start soon and hope to get it out by then.